Then did priests make offering of incense
and loaves of finest wheat to God
and therefore shall they be holy to their Lord
and shall not defile his most holy name. Alleluia.
~Sacerdotes Domini - William Byrd~
+see also during Tenebrae friars sing Filiae Jerusalem (Francesco Soriano (1549-1621)
Dominican Schola Cantorum in the choir loft at St. Dominic's Church for ordination:
After the ordination our friars' Jazz group called, "Instrumental Causality" entertained our guests for a post-ordination party:
Then the second act, a bit more informal was Bro. Timothy Danaher OP and Bro. Peter Joseph Gautsch OP on the banjo and guitar playing some Mumford and Sons!
We are grateful to God for the ordinations to the priesthood of our friars!
May the preach the Gospel for the salvation of souls!