Saturday, June 23, 2012

An Update from the Novitiate (Summer 2012)

Greetings from St. Gertrude Priory & Church!

First things first: our Dominican Novices have all been approved to make their Simple Profession on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 15, 2012). Thank you for your prayers. It seems like it was just yesterday when they were vested in the Dominican habit.

The profession is one of many regional vocation events taking place this summer - so plan to come visit us!

And here is the last email I just sent out to the men considering a vocation with us which has photos/bios of our next class of novices as well as other important info.

As you can see from the photos below, I was not the only friar visiting. Fr. Andrew Hofer OP (our new Student Master), Fr. Peter John Cameron OP (Editor of Magnificat) & His Excellency, Bishop Chris Cardone OP (Bishop of Auki in the Solomon Islands) all have been here to give talks to the novices.

I have been helping out in place of one of our friars who was away visiting his family. I was assigned here to the parish about 10 years ago as a newly ordained priest, so the people of St. Gertrude will always have a special place in my heart!

-here is an earlier set of photos from the novitiate from last year
-see the men who have been accepted for next year's novitiate class (photos and bios)
-next Vocation Weekends at the Dominican House of Studies in our nation's capital