Friday, October 5, 2012

Thank You! Helping More Young Men Learn about St. Dominic

Recently we added on the right side of this blog (then scroll down) a wish list of books for the young men who contact us about a vocation to the Order of Preachers.

Well our first book just arrived...the classic biography: The Life of St. Dominic by Fr. Bede Jarrett OP.  There was no name on the invoice, so I don't know who you are.  But THANK YOU and I am celebrating Mass for your intentions.  The one thing I can do to thank you: to pray for you.

We normally purchase books in bulk to reduce the cost, but it seems that we quickly run out, even to the point that I ask the man to read the book, and then give it back to me when they come for a vocation weekend (or pass it along to another young men considering a vocation, leaving my card in it of course!).

From the number of hits on this blog (~350 yesterday), I know everyone on here is not considering a vocation - but I know you are with us and praying for us.  Well your prayers are working. Our next vocation weekend (November 9-11) is already 3/4 full!

If you are interested in making a donation directly to our province that would be tax deductible, please click here.  THANKS BE TO GOD!