Monday, November 19, 2012

Dominican Vocations Jumpstart Two Years Ago

Two years ago when I started work in our Office of Vocations for the Dominican Province of St. Joseph (Eastern), Fr. Nicanor Austriaco OP and I were invited to interview with Fr. Mitch Pacwa SJ on EWTN.  We were very grateful for the opportunity to talk about the big numbers of men entering the Order of Preachers.  God is good and He is generous!

Right now there are 63 men in formation just for our province. We have 80 friars at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington DC. This is the largest our studentate community has been for many years.

Guess what? appears the Lord has more plans...from what I can tell, there is a wave of many more men coming to consecrate their lives to Christ for the sake of the Gospel - please keep our financial challenges in your prayers in a particular way that our province might find the means to receive so many He is sending to us.

Fr. Nicanor Austriaco OP teaches Biology and Theology at Providence College
Fr. Nicanor OP & Fr. Benedict OP interviewing on EWTN
with Fr. Mitch Pacwa SJ on EWTN in November 2010