Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dominican Young Adult Frassati Fellowships

Blessed Pier Georgio Frassati was son of the founder of La Stampa newspaper in Italy and a Third Order Dominican. This young man was enamored of the liturgy and spent many hours in Eucharistic Adoration. His parents wondered where he was! They were so alarmed and asked their local priest to help him. The priest reassured them he was fine. Many times he had been praying at an all night vigil!

He was a serious mountaineer and loved the outdoors. He frequently signed his name: "Verso l'Alto" meaning "To the Heights!" He was a young man always oriented towards the things of heaven. He had a deep love for the poor even though he was from a wealthy family in Turin. While he spent himself helping the poor, he contracted polio and within five days, he died tragically at age 24. The poor came out in huge numbers to give him homage, carrying his casket.

As a young man, if you are considering a vocation to be a friar preacher, we suggest you have the concrete experience of building up the Body of Christ around you. In our aspirancy guidelines we suggest you do that by getting involved with other
strong Catholics around you. Frassati Fellowships around the country are a great way to put your faith into action.

The Frassati Fellowship follows in the footsteps of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, seeking to bring the whole person to Christ through adoration, study, community, charitable activity, and love of the outdoors. Young adults are encouraged to join.

The Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Joseph are chaplains to four Frassati Fellowships and assist with a fifth:

NYC Frassati Fellowship - run by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (aka CFR's) they meet at St. Vincent Ferrer in NYC, we frequently help them
...by the way, if you think you might have a Franciscan vocation, I would highly suggest the CFR's

commentary on the life of Blessed Pier Georgio by Fr. Robert Barron: