Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Archbishop DiNoia OP to Speak at September 2013 Vocation Weekend

We are especially happy to announce that Archbishop J. Augustine DiNoia OP, vice-president of the pontifical commission, Ecclesia Dei will speak at our September 27-30, 2013 vocation weekend at the Dominican House of Studies on "Critical Challenges to Catholic Faith: The New Evangelization in a Secular Age"

*our recent vocation videos:
Five Paths to the Priesthood

Leaving all Things Behind (almost 35,000 views)

This summer the Dominican Province of St. Joseph is organizing regional vocation events - you are invited!  

*read about those accepted for the 2013 novitiate class - click here

These men will be vested in the habit of our founder on his feast day,
          August 8, 2013 at St. Gertrude priory in Cincinnati in a private ceremony. The friars' conventual Mass follows at 11:30AM in St. Gertrude church.
You are invited

+next Vocation Weekend will be September 27-30, 2013