Friday, December 21, 2012

Holy Time Holy Preaching to Hasten our Lord's Birth

The holy season of Advent brings things both spiritual and evangelical for our 80 friars of the Dominican House of Studies in Washington DC. While professors are still marking exams & papers the brothers have been busy.

The +Dominican Friars Vocations Office (Eastern) is preparing for our next vocation weekend. If you would like to attend, contact the Director of Vocations now. 

Tonight our student friars started a silent overnight Advent retreat led by the prior of St. Dominic's (Washington DC), Fr. Joseph Barranger OP. Please say a prayer for them.

Earlier this week the brothers have been working in the kitchen.  Here is the latest trademark (it seems to change annually!) for their latest brew. No it is not for sale, but if you come on a vocation weekend you might be able to taste it (if you are 21).

And perhaps what has been most extraordinary, in an effort to respond to the call of our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI for this Year of Faith, different groups of our friars went Christmas caroling three days in DC's Metro system!  Archbishop Augustine DiNoia OP, back from the Eternal City to celebrate Christmas with us (he is celebrant and preacher for our Midnight Mass), also joined us to go caroling for one of the nights. Below are a few of the highlights:    PHOTOS w/Archbishop &  the rest of PHOTOS

Check out what happened when the brothers were caroling the first night in Chinatown! (read about it here)

The second night Archbishop DiNoia OP joined us:

The third night the brothers voices seemed to have been warmed up and ready to go!

In these difficult times in which we live, how important it is for all of us to engage our culture and to invite others to know Jesus Christ our Savior.  COME LORD JESUS!

The holy cards passed out to passersby had an amazing little scene of the Nativity of our Lord and on the back this prayer which the brothers wrote:

Come Thou Redeemer of the earth,
And manifest Thy virgin birth:

Let every age adoring fall;
Such birth befits the God of all.

Merry Christmas from the Dominican Friars

Lord God, we praise you for creating us and for restoring us in Christ.
Thank you for the life he shares with us
and for the gift of our salvation.
May the power of his divinity
keep us from temptation, 
provide for our needs,
(include your personal request)
lead us to forgiveness,
and bring us to everlasting life.

Finally here are some recent preparations of our Dominican Schola for Christmas liturgies: