You are invited to our 2013 ordinations to the Priesthood in Washington DC! We do have limited accommodations for those traveling greater distances. Contact Fr. Benedict OP for details. Our Next Vocation Weekends at the Dominican House of Studies are already starting to fill.
Thursday, May 23 at 7PM at the Dominican House of Studies there will be a special holy hour for the ordinandi to which everyone is invited.
Friday, May 24 at 9:30AM Ordination
at St. Dominic's Church, Washington DC
(reception follows at the Dominican House of Studies)
-more evening events are scheduled for vocation candidates after reception
First Mass (next day) with our Newly Ordained Priests
at Dominican House of Studies chapel w/families, friends and friars on
Saturday, May 25, 2013 at 8AM
SUNDAY, May 26, 2013:
FIRST MASSES schedule (click here)
Thursday, May 23 at 7PM at the Dominican House of Studies there will be a special holy hour for the ordinandi to which everyone is invited.
Friday, May 24 at 9:30AM Ordination
at St. Dominic's Church, Washington DC
(reception follows at the Dominican House of Studies)
-more evening events are scheduled for vocation candidates after reception
First Mass (next day) with our Newly Ordained Priests
at Dominican House of Studies chapel w/families, friends and friars on
Saturday, May 25, 2013 at 8AM
SUNDAY, May 26, 2013:
FIRST MASSES schedule (click here)
The Dominican Friars
of the Province of St. Joseph
joyfully announce the
Ordination of their Brothers
Dominic Joseph Bump, O.P.
Bernard Marie Timothy, O.P.
Matthew Carroll, O.P.
Albert Duggan, O.P.
Reginald Mary Lynch, O.P.
to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ
through the Imposition of Hands and Prayer of Ordination by
The Most Reverend Christopher Cardone, O.P.
Bishop of Auki, Solomon Islands
ORDINATION: Friday, May 24, 2013 at 9:30 AM
Bishop Chris Cardone OP - click to enlarge
Saint Dominic Church
630 E Street, Southwest
Washington, District of Columbia 20024
Here is a video from last year's priesthood ordinations. Check it out!
You are also invited to the August 10 Solemn Professions at the Dominican House of Studies and the August 15 Simple Professions at St. Gertrude Church in Cincinnati. Here is our last official vocation video made recently:
Our Next Vocation Weekends at the Dominican House of Studies