Priesthood Ordinations are Friday May 24, 2013
at 9:30AM at St. Dominic's Church in Washington DC
Today many of our student brothers left this morning on an annual Pilgrimage of walking about 8 miles, praying for our ordinandi and visiting various churches throughout our nation's capital to coincide with the feast of the Translation of our Holy Father St. Dominic. I wrote about this last year here. This year, the feast day will also include our priesthood ordinations at 9:30AM at St. Dominic's downtown Washington DC. Everyone is invited!
Our Next Vocation Weekends at the Dominican House of Studies
Yesterday the brothers in our schola prepared the ordination booklets and had another schola practice.
(click on image to enlarge)
Yesterday about 15 of our student friars went onto the National Mall with guitar and banjo and sang and passed out prayer cards to hundreds of people. It was a chance to engage all the visitors to Washington DC and to share the Good News of our Lord! It is amazing what a smile and greeting can accomplish for the New Evangelization!
(click image to enlarge)
Below here is the image on the prayer card, and the text further down:
Come Holy Spirit, Creator blest, and in our hearts take up thy rest.
Come with thy grace and heavenly aid to fill the hearts which though hast made.
Lord, we praise you for creating us and for restoring us in Christ.
Thank you for sending us your Holy Spirit to be our advocate and guide.
May this same Spirit comfort us in our affliction, sanctify our souls, provide for our needs
(include your personal request) and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.